Thursday 11 February 2010

Off on our travels again

I have been working flat out (like a crazy person if truth be told) for 3 solid days and nights. I wanted to get my list of things done before I left the country for 5 weeks. I've been getting ready for the new semester, finishing an article, planning orientation for new staff in April etc etc. So much for finding time for other things... anyway, I will be taking a break from the grind which can only be a good thing.

I have just been chatting online to my Mexican friend Sergio who has helped to organise our visit to Xalapa in Veracruz. We are stopping for a couple of days in San Francisco to meet up with George, Amy and Chloe and then spending a couple of days in Mexico City before getting the bus to Veracruz.

Before I start on the journey, I still have to do some last minute jobs in work tomorrow and pay a visit to the ward office to pick up my new alien registration card. How I hate those jobs.

My bag is packed. I have 6 outfits plus hiking gear. I've no idea what I will need exactly. I know that 5 weeks of rotating 6 outfits will mean that when I get home again I am going to feel like I have lots of lovely new clothes.

Adventures continue on my new Mexico blog: Http://

Sunday 7 February 2010

Finding the Nagoya version of myself again

Things have changed a lot since we moved to the Tokyo area. I've become a lot busier and more invested professionally, which has meant that a lot of the things that I used to love have barely surfaced. Half way up a mountain yesterday, I took stock and intend to rectify this.

1. I will go back to blogging. Facebook isn't the same. I don't get to describe things in as much depth. This process is quite therapeutic. For example, I can see the funny side of frustrating aspects of Japan. I also notice the cool things around me. I have stopped noticing Japan which is a crime.

2. I enjoyed being in the mountains again yesterday. It was my first hike since November and there is nothing like a good hike to clear the head and give you perspective. No matter how busy work gets, I need to climb a mountain at least every 3 weeks.

3. I have logged on to MySpace again. I used to get real pleasure from finding new bands.