Sunday 8 June 2008

Hikers scrub up well

Photos from the weekend:

Hiking in Yashagaike, Gifu-Fukui border

Nick and Aiko's wedding

What a fantastic weekend!

Friday 6 June 2008

Back to Nagoya

Back to Nagoya.... this time for a visit.

On the first night we went to an Izakaya with Justin. We had already eaten, but wanted to pick at something. We asked the waitress what went well with beer. Can you guess what she said? Nuts? No. Crisps? No. Olives? Wrong again. Chicken sashimi. We ordered it of course. Welcome back to Nagoya.

Thursday 5 June 2008

Wedding preparations

We are going to our friends' wedding in Nagoya on Sunday and I casually asked my Japanese co-workers if there is anything I need to know. Now I'm really nervous! Here is some of the advice they gave me:

"You know you give money, right" (yes)

"...but don't give an even number of notes, it symbolizes separation" (gasp!)

"...Oh, and don't give notes with a crease in them, they have to be perfect notes" (OK.... when I go to the ATM, do I keep sticking my card in the machine until I get perfect notes out?)

"...and you have to put the cash in a special envelope. Make sure you don't get the one you use for funerals" (more gasps!)

You don't just stick the cash in the envelope either, your name has to be in the correct place and it has to be folded correctly (if I get it wrong, I could be following protocol for funerals)

"...don't show your upper arms until and hour or two into the party"

"Get your nails done"

"Get an "up style" at the salon"

"Nagoya weddings are famous for being really beautiful. I hope you have a posh frock" (not exactly...)

I'm not sure when I am going to find time for salon visits as we have to be there in the morning and are hiking the day before...

Despite being a bit worried about doing something wrong, I am looking forward to Nick and Aiko's wedding.

There's more!

If you just watched that YouTube clip, you might have noticed that the clip has a cult following....


Preparing students for an overseas visit

The world outside Japan is a dangerous place. Better learn some useful phrases if you plan to travel this summer.....